
i live in a society where people are always considering about "ape orang cakap nanti"
my father is a traditional u know what it means

i just wanna make this relationship halal. yes i dont have thousands ringgit in my bank account.
no, i dont want a grand wedding at a hotel or in front of the house with 400 people coming.
i just want a small ceremony for close family members and close friends.

why cant we be like westerners. a wedding with 20 people coming is enough. nobody gonna talk shit about you and your spouse/family/etc. no need 3 pairs of dresses and suits throughout the ceremony. i really want to spend my money inviting people that are dear to me. not people who i dont like but because of courtesy they get invited. blah blah lame.

my sister said..mane lah orang tak kawin lari, melayu kawin beribu2 guna..lame sgt kumpul duit baru boleh is very unacceptable to pinjam money form your aunties la,uncles la to make the wedding happen. period.


The Tea Drinker said...

dont feel overly bad about it. :)

westerners are different breed. we are too. religion requires us to spread the word of the wedding (thus ramai2 makan2). so friends and family just isn't enough.

and the parents, feeling proud and happy only a parent can understand, would want to make the best out of it.

of course one can go overboard with the spendings but there's always a way to achieve balance.

it's a myth to say kawin lari is cheap. how much would u pay to fix a hurt to parents? how much is a small barakah from God? almost infinitely expensive kan.

talk to your parents. avoid the word 'i want it simplest'... go for 'lets avoid complications/complexity/mess'.

ah i am talking too much. good luck! :D

LangitHilang said...

TeaD : i knew somebody will tell me all these things when i wrote it. im not talking abt what religion requires.

but the way our society is. u see my context is wholly abt malay mind set. theres always something wrong with everybody. kawin kecik dorg ckp kawin emergency, kawin sderhana ckp kedekut,kawin besar ckp menunjuk..thus, i prefer only to invite them who are close to the family.

im not promoting kawin lari here. im just pointing out a hurtful reality.girls nowadays devoured by lavish weddings on media. and how wonderful is to be married to your sure thats not what the religion promotes when they have to spend thousands for the wedding but live unhappily after marriage. :)