
i came to realize ; what if i die tomorrow? would there be people at my funeral? who would be the last one i see before my last breath? would i die with my loved ones around me? would i die in my mother's arms? would i die alone while driving back from work? would people remember me as Hanis after a year? would people who love me stop grieving after 40days? who would be the last one to stand over my grave wishing i was still alive. did i do enough to be in God's Heavens?

if i had the chance to talk to everyone that i love the day before i die, i just want to tell each of them don't be sad over my death. but be happy reminiscing the good times we had. and forgive me for all my wrongdoings.

i may not have a normal family. i fought with my parents. i hate my sisters at times. i tried to stay away from home as much as i could when i was younger. but i thank God for keeping them safe for me every now and then. this post is for everyone in the world that keeps a place for me in their hearts. mak, ayah, kakak, kakyu, bb, hani, close friends and families, co-workers, etc. i may not list all but you know who you are. you are always in my prayers.


Caramel Foxx said...

dik, kenapa cakap macam ni, sedih kakyu, tapi adik lipa letak bubu dlm list. hehe, cepat balik tau makan sambal belacan kakyu~

LangitHilang said...

saje tpikir kot2 mati awal..bubu,bucik,kitty dan semua

Unknown said...

tah tuh.. wat sdeyh jek.. meleleh ayaq mata ku ! sobs sobs T_T