about the bloggers:
i stumbled upon so many blogs wrote by these kind of people who have quite similar habits of writing things like :
~> "to my readers", in a bracket tulis "bajet ramai sgt je followers aku"..padahal mmg followers die berbakul2 pun. konon humble but in denial or wutever..
~> "thanks to my penaja" in a bracket again..walaupun aku malas tulis entry baru..
~> wrote things yang saje2 di salahkan than in a bracket again "oke,sebenanya blah blah.."
their followers :
will eventually end up having a blog with the same kind of writing...and spelled "belog"...euww.
belog? seriousss?
Really? I thought it is kind of in-trend, people nowadays write so, .... mmmmmm :D
haha.aunty ni..they are the people that are trying too hard to be cool i guess..heheh
aku pown same ke?.. ;(
kakyu..haha..meluat lah blog2 sebegitu
honey..kamu ni drama je..hehe
tp yg mcm tu lah yg orang minat, beribu riban followers.
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