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many felt funny when they figured out that i never entered a cooking competition either college level or professional level. i cook because i love to. for the love of food. to cook to my heart's content, to make people happy when they eat my dishes.

i have never interested in competitions. i hate time constrains. you might think i am a coward or i make excuses. but it is what it is. i cook because i love to and i am glad that is what i do for a living. i might be a picky eater at times, but i do cook things i don't eat.

but because of this, people look down upon my ability to produce good food. and because of my child-like nature too. oh well. it doesn't matter. i know myself better.

i am very eager to learn new things everyday. and i don't mind to learn from people i don't like too. but ilmu tu ada di mana-mana. high hopes for myself to shine in this field. to be known for my food. :)