suggie suggie bebeyh

there is a group in facebook i joined..its a sugar glider owners group...things that i see that too many owners are very annoyingly conscious about their suggie.. everything pun nak tanya..well i know its good to ask..but i am not an expert either..and the experts pun who own more than 20 suggies pun not 100% reliable..

through my years with bubu..

not all sugar gliders are the same.. bubu tak makan HPW. many owners and suppliers cakap HPW mesti suggie, you have to figure out yourself what ur buddy wants.. i swear i spent loads of money buying food that are claimed to be suggies' favorite.. i bought pellets, HPW, dried fruits etc etc.. but still bubu suka fresh fruits, that are totally cheaper than those processed food.. many owners cakap suggie suka madu, but bubu hates honey.. she likes things that smells good, and HPW's smell makes us sick. bukan semua benda yg suggie suke hari ni, die akan suka esok...and secara logiknya what will they eat in the wild. they don't have HPW or calcium powder etc2. for me,i don't believe infos thru blogs or thru people yg dah bela banyak suggies.. i had my research just on webs yang sememangnye mengkaji sugar gliders..infos thru years of studies are more reliable rite..on grooming, adala orang tu tanya dkt group to how much does it cost for grooming.. di mana ade kemahuan di situ ada jalan.. i learned to groom bubu just by tengok orang kt petshop grooming suggies.then balik rumah try sendiri..modal nye percuma je kalau kita berusaha..

bubu is my little angel, she makes me extra happy


Diah Rothman said...

Hanis dear, I know you miss BUBU!

LangitHilang said...

yes..really missing my little companion..

Caramel Foxx said...

kalau macam tu kakyu nk jadik bubu lah, hihi~